Our organization is unstoppable

To all the new volunteers - as well as the many members of our growing organization that have contributed their efforts and support from the start, new neighbors and long time community members, along with several of our recently endorsed new '22 candidates and incumbent elected officials that currently represent us at the county, city, and state level showed up for the 40th Ward Dems event at Cafe ZoZo's on January 16, THANK YOU!

It was an amazing turnout, in numbers that definitely exceeded my hopes and expectations - especially on a cold, gray, January afternoon in Chicago - plus surrendering the warmth of home that could include a roster full of live NFL playoffs on TV. I was so moved and strongly encouraged in our organization's purpose when greeting this number of standing-room-only attendees that had come to Cafe Zozo's this past Sunday. The largest portion came to volunteer instead, and chose to walk through local neighborhoods and knock on hundreds of strangers' doors asking for the signatures needed to enable our candidates to run in free and fair elections!

Many also came to meet several candidates that are hoping to be newly elected to office, along with a number of incumbent officials that we support in re-electing and will be on this year's Primary Election ballot for voting on June 28, 2022. Our dedicated campaign assistance focuses strongly on those seeking public office that share our values and have demonstrated them in their history of community involvement, public service and civic action that will best improve the lives of everyone in our ward.


We are proud to volunteer. During election seasons we are dedicated in working hard to help spread the word and assist candidates and ballot initiatives that we trust to best serve all of our combined diverse interests as a neighborhood, but also as part of the wider community of city, state, and federal citizens.

For that reason - beyond campaigns - the larger focus, goal, and intended purpose of the 40th Ward Dems is to educate, register, and encourage voters to value and exercise their right to vote and protect it by showing up at the polls for all elections and make their voices heard. The past several years have been a demonstration of its importance and the genuine danger that apathy presents. We all need to be more actively involved in working together to create, maintain, and nurture a sustainably healthy, inclusive, affordable community for all of the people and small businesses making their home here.

This past Sunday reaffirmed my hope and belief that we can do this! A few hours cleaning one of the parks. Acouple of dollars to a local group. Maybe contributing clerical or any other skill that may help. Whatever you can based on your ability and free time, it will make a difference. Or volunteer with us, we especially need volunteers to help right now, as well as welcoming everyone all year and every year!

Based on what we saw at our Petition Kickoff, I have no doubt that together we will increase the 40th Ward voting numbers at the polls, as we proceed to work on turning out the vote too!



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